Feedback Thoughts
Feedback Thoughts In life feedback is super important, it is what allows us to grow in whatever we might be doing at a certain point. I think it is important to approach how we give feedback carefully. We never want to be completely negative when giving feedback, because it's not likely whatever you maybe critiquing is completely terrible. Article #1: 6 Bad Mental Habits That Sabotage Your Success After reading this article I really liked that three of the tips they gave which were never making excuses, do not put yourself down, and lastly, do not second guess yourself. When receiving feedback I think a lot of times we automatically perceive it as a negative thing, but in reality, it is just someone whose purpose is to make you better not tear you down. Instead of dwelling on what you did bad concentrate on what you did well and what you can do to improve next time. Article #2: 5 Tips For Taking Feedback Like a Champ The biggest tip that...