Week 14 Tech Tip: Canvas Calender
Canvas Calendar
I have always been a pretty organized person when it comes to getting assignments finished on time, but sometimes I just forget when they are due. I used the Canvas calendar in combination with my work calendar to keep my life organized. In addition to my phone calendar, I have my planner as well because it helps me organize things. I also set up my notifications on Canvas to email me when I had an assignment due soon just to make sure I was not missing out on anything. My time management for this class was a little bit rocky at some points but I eventually got into the swing of things and it just became a habit to know when assignments were due each week.
Hi! This is a great tip! I honestly never thought of using it for this class or for anything for that matter. I'm sure it would have been helpful as I have missed several assignments for this class just because I got busy and forgot. Thanks for sharing!