Week 9 Learning Challenge: Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Deprivation

Throughout my college career I have had my fair share of nights where it seems like I do not get much sleep due to social activities, studying, or just staying up too late watching TV. I noticed that when I did not sleep  much that I also would not perform well in school.I found that I would be sleepy in class and not pay attention. Now that I am finishing up my fourth year of college I have learned to prioritize sleep more. In addition if I do not workout I find that my energy levels are down as well. After reading the article through data it was revealed that 46.2% of nights students are not getting as much sleep, but then that also leaves another 50% of nights that they are. I do not think this article is a good predictor of college students sleep schedule and it even said that it does not capture the full picture. I did like how they pointed out that if students own Fit Bits or Apple Watches they are more likely to care about their sleep and health. From experience, I have learned to get my work done earlier so I do not have to stay up later than necessary otherwise I may find myself sleeping in class or not prepared for the next day.

Image result for sleep is important


  1. Hey Alanna!
    I also wrote a post about sleep deprivation but it seems even more relevant now. Last night I barely got any sleep due to studying for a test I had today and this makes me wish that I had slept more. I always say I won't be cramming the night before a test but you know how college goes. I need to look into sleeping apps or whatever for my apple watch so that I can get a better idea of my sleep schedule.


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