Week 10 Reading Part B: The Huhu Gets Married

The Huhu Gets Married 
Bibliography: This story is part of the Cherokee Myths unit. Story source: Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900).Link to Story

I really liked this story because I felt like it is every mother's dream to see if her future son-in-law has what it takes to be her daughter's husband. It would be kind of fun to make it a story about how the mother puts her future son-in-law through a series of test versus just having him go to the field to work. I think that through the tests his true character would show and that in the end, he was not the right person for her daughter. I really like this scenario because I think that too often women do not take into account their mothers opinions of their significant other and sometimes the mom ends up being right. Personally though if my mom didn't like my future husband I would not marry him. Another thing I may do in the rewrite is not had them get married because divorce is just as sad. 


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