Week 7 Story

In the town Cabul lived the daughter of an esteemed aristocrat. His daughter Zerah was one of the most beautiful women in the entire city. Her eyes were sparking, her teeth were pearly white, and on top of that she had a wonderful personality that drew everyone to her.  Zerah was always the talk of the town. She had men trying to court her from cities both near and far. Even when she was in the comfort of her own home she would constantly have men come to her door in attempts to win her heart. Eventually, Zerah became so fed up with men constantly chasing her she decided she was going to go on a much needed vacation. 

Zerah packed up her belongings and told her father she was going to be gone for a few weeks. Her father was worried about her safety so he sent two men with her to protect her along her journey. As Zerah began her journey she constantly had to deal with men following her and change her course of travel so they would lose her. As Zerah and her men were trying to lose track of a few suitors and in the process Zerah lost her bodyguards. Honestly, it was very reliving for Zerah to continue traveling alone and have soem peace and quite. 

Just as Zerah was about to get to her destination out of no where two men kidnapped her. The only thing the men wanted was for her to commit her heart to his son. At this point Zerah was just ready to have people stop bugging her about getting married when she was almost about to agree to it out of no where her father came swooping in. He must have caught word that she had gotten separated from her bodyguards.

Image result for old storytales

Her Father became her knight in shining Armour and rescued her. Even though he wanted her to get married he wanted it to be if she was also just as in love with the other person as she was. Zerah was so thankful he was no longer pressuring her to get married. She knew that one day she would find her one true love.

Authors Note: I kept the same story line of the original story where Zerah wa constantly being pursued by men, but then decided to have her leave and go on vacation. I sort of based it off the Movie "Taken" where Liam Nessons daughter was taken while on  at trip in Europe and he had to rescue her. Although my story is no where near the same as Taken it just has a similar story line and it was what

inspired me to write this story. 
Bibliography: Tales of a Parrot unit. Story source: The Tooti Nameh or Tales of a Parrot, by Ziya'al-Din Nakhsh Xbi (1801). Link to Story


  1. Hi Alanna! I just saw this pop up: since you missed the Week 6 window, go ahead and relabel this as your Week 7 story and use it for Week 7. That will give you one less thing to worry about next week. :-)

  2. Hi Alanna, great story! It's so cute that in the end the father came and rescued his daughter! He was her Knight in Shining Armor; that's adorable! Also, nice job describing the way Zerah looks! You gave some great imagery! The girl in the picture is so beautiful! I absolutely love her hair! You could write another story later about Zerah actually finding her one true love.

  3. Hey, Alanna. I'm glad you could draw inspiration from Taken to give your story a bit of a twist from the original. I think it's always more fun to use stories that we love in our writing. It's very unfortunate that the princess couldn't even get in a good vacation without be kidnapped and forced into a marriage. I guess the kid in me wishes you would've expanded on how her dad rescued her, but the way you wrote it gives more focus on Zerah anyway (which makes sense considering she's the main character). At any rate, great story! Short, sweet, and had a happy ending.

  4. Hi Alanna, I think it’s cool how you tried to base your story off of the movie Taken. Once I was reading it I knew it reminded me of some movie I had watch and then I seen your Author’s Note and noticed which movie it was. Having her dad come in to rescue her was a great idea, awesome story!

  5. Alanna, I really enjoyed your take on one of the stories that the parrot told Khojisteh. I also did the reading from the Tales of the Parrot for that unit too. I appreciated the fact that you made the father be the “knight in shining amour” to save his daughter. I think this take in the story can help girls see that there are other things than marriage and a man to wait for in life. Great story!


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