Reading Notes: Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche Part A

Reading Part A: Tony Kline, Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche, Link to Stories

Characters: King, Queen, 3 daughters, the goddess Venus, Cupid (Venus son), and  The Nereids, Portunus,  Salacia, Palaemon, and Troops of Tritons. There were a few more that added as the story went on. 
  • The youngest daughter was by far the prettiest of the 3. Some would compare here to the goddess Venus. 
Setting: The city in which the King and Queen ruled.

The Main Plot: The youngest daughter's beauty was compared to that of Venus. So much that she brought people from all over to come to her city and visit her. Each day they would flatter her with gifts. Eventually, it got to the point where people were no longer visiting Venus' shrines. As time went on the real Venus slowly became enraged that she was no longer receiving attention, but instead, Psyche was. In response, Venus called upon her son Cupid to seek revenge on Psyche and to make her feel miserable. She recruited other rulers of the sea to escort her on her way to seek revenge. This was the summary of basically the first few stories. As Part A continues you figure out that Cupid and Psyche eventually get married, while Psyches family thinks she is dead. Psyche begins to struggle with being obedient to her husband. Part A ended with Psyche being reunited with her sister, it was not a pleasant reunion. Her sister gave her the news of her parent's death, Psyche also experienced jealousy from her sister. In the end, her sister dies. 
My thoughts: I really liked this story, but just like with last weeks reading I would have liked to know more detail about characters such as the three daughters. After reading Part A I really liked how you could see the story develop as well as the relationships between Venus, Cupid, and Psyche. I think that Part B will be even more interesting as Venus finds out more abut Cupid and Psyhces relationship. 


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